New Launch – Thanks to The Rowing Foundation

The Junior Squad is hugely grateful to The Rowing Foundation for much-needed funding for a coaching/safety launch for our outings at Stretham. We’re thrilled as it allows us to take more juniors off the busy Cam to train hard (and safely) over a long, empty stretch of...

Juniors Easter Training Camp

Rob Roy Juniors are taking their Easter training camp to the Cambridge University Boat Club in Ely for the the week after Easter. The training camp is for the Juniors’ Performance Squad and for any others in the Juniors’ Racing Squads who are interested in...


With their meteoric rise up seven places through Division 2 and well into Division 1, the Rob Roy BC W2 crew was not only the most successful crew on the river in this year’s Town Bumps but also probably the youngest. With three fifteen-year olds and a sixteen-year...