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  • A British Junior Championships silver medal for our inspirational WJ18 quad, plus six other Rob Roy crews in the top 15 in their categories
  • Our WJ18 quad, and at least 8 former Rob Roy juniors in international, school or university crews, racing at Henley Royal Regatta, including two trophy-winning crews
  • Top performances all year for our WJ14 4X+ at the Junior Sculling Regatta, the Junior Inter-Regional Regatta Nat Schools and Peterborough Junior Championships• Medals at the National Indoor Rowing Championships for two Rob Roy juniors
  • Another successful round of Try Rowing, our state schools outreach project for Chesterton Community College and Parkside School. Seven former Try Rowing scholarship recipients were among those racing at Henley Royal Regatta.
  • Two juniors awarded 6th Form Rowing Scholarships to top rowing schools
  • One junior awarded a Rowing Scholarship to an American University
  • Two former Rob Roy juniors racing in the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Races
  • Nearly 20 former Rob Roy juniors returning to Cambridge from University to row in the Town Bumps
  • At least 15 members of the squad involved in coaching at learn to row programmes hosted by Rob Roy BC.
  • A former Rob Roy junior appointed as Head Coach for Newnham College, Cambridge and a former Junior Squad Head Coach appointed as Head of Rowing at Surrey University – along with another set of Boat Race wins for Rob Baker, a former Rob Roy junior, now Head Coach for CUBC
And, above all, a squad of 70 juniors developing strong friendship bonds and team resilience, supporting each other through every challenge and celebrating every achievement, instilling in themselves the lifelong love of rowing which inspires their coaching team.